Divisions – Mathematical, Computing + Statistical Sciences Mentor Award

The Mathematical, Computing, and Statistical Sciences Division of CUR is pleased to announce three awards to honor mentors for their success in mentoring undergraduate students in research. Faculty mentoring interdisciplinary projects are encouraged to apply as long as those projects involve a major mathematics, computer science, or statistics component. 

Typically, one award will be made in each of the three categories below, but in the case of exceptional applications, more than one of the awards may be given in the same category.

  • Early Career: Faculty who are 0-6 years past their Ph.D.
  • Mid Career: Faculty who are 7-15 years past their Ph.D.
  • Advanced Career: Faculty who are more than 15 years past their Ph.D.


Application submissions are due by March 31, 2025. 
Please upload all nomination materials as one combined PDF, 16MB maximum file size.

Nomination Process

Applications should be compiled into one PDF, 16MB max file size package containing the following items:

  • Applicant Letter: The mentor will provide an explanation of their cumulative mentoring activities involving undergraduate research students. The letter should clearly link to the Evaluation Criteria Sheet and should include a brief discussion on the applicant’s mentoring goals and/or philosophy. (two page limit)
  • Curriculum vitae: List only details relevant to applying for the award including a brief bio info for applicant (e.g., contact and education info), names of undergraduate students mentored, presentations by these students, publications by these students, awards received, etc. See Evaluation Criteria Sheet. (two page limit)
  • Letter from a Colleague: A recommendation letter from a colleague of the applicant who can address the applicant’s mentoring of students in undergraduate research (two page limit). 
  • Letters from Students: Two recommendation letters from students who were mentored by the applicant. One such letter must be from a student who was mentored by the applicant within the past five years. (one page limit per letter). 

Review Process

Division Councilors will review the completed applications and will determine the award winner. The awarded mentors will be notified by the end of May. 

Review Criteria

  • Evidence of undergraduate student mentoring.
    • The number of students mentored in research.
  • Evidence of professional development of students mentored.
    • The number of students presenting their work at conferences and meetings. National and discipline-specific conferences are generally considered more important than internal or regional conferences.
    • The number of publications co-authored by students. Publications in discipline-specific journals should be considered more important than those in general undergraduate research journals.
    • Evidence of activities within the research program that develop students into effective researchers as they are going through the experience. These activities should provide support that enables student success. Examples: structured mentoring programs (like pairing with more advanced students), regular faculty-student meetings, expectations for students to write research reports and to give presentations, etc.
    • Specific examples as described in the letter of application and the letters of support by the colleague and students.
    • Reflective discussion of mentoring goals.
  • Evidence of impact and success.
    • Clear evidence of how the research experience has impacted post-graduate success in graduate school or in students’ careers.
    • Awards received by students for their presentations or publications.
    • Awards or grants received by faculty for mentoring students.
    • Publications or invited presentations given about mentoring students.
    • Specific examples as described in the letter of application and the letters of support by the colleague and students.


For questions regarding this award, please reach out to CUR@CUR.org

Award Recipients