EvoS Journal: The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium is a journal designed to promote the education of evolutionary theory in colleges and universities. EvoS Journal welcomes work from all academic disciplines as well as interdisciplinary scholarship that incorporates evolutionary theory across areas of study.
Epistemai: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
Epistemai is an undergraduate philosophy journal with a focus on short, original, philosophical work done by undergraduates from universities across the country.
Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications
The Elon Journal is the only journal with a focus on undergraduate research in journalism, media, and communications.
El Río: A Student Research Journal
El Río: A Student Research Journal is a student-run research journal at CSU-Pueblo that focuses on outstanding student work from the humanities, behavioral, social, natural, and health and applied sciences. Its mission is to acknowledge, promote, and disseminate high-quality student research that shapes discourse and fosters understanding.
The DU Undergraduate Research Journal is a peer reviewed publication of research articles from all undergraduate disciplines. The mission of DUURJ is to encourage, recognize, and celebrate intellectual activity that occurs outside of the classroom, though exemplary research conducted in classroom settings may also be displayed. The journal staff is comprised entirely of DU undergraduate students and works to promote academic research across all disciplines.
DUJS Homepage
Founded in 1998, the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science aims to increase scientific awareness by providing an interdisciplinary forum for sharing undergraduate research and enriching scientific knowledge. The DUJS prints quarterly journals that include science news and review articles, along with research by undergraduates. Weekly Dartmouth Science News articles are also posted to the DUJS website.
Discussions is the undergraduate research journal of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. We are currently accepting submissions from all majors! We accept from all over the nation and have received submissions from Princeton, Florida, and even New Zealand. Our current acceptance rates are around 30 percent, and we are becoming more competitive every year. Check out our website to learn more!
Discovery: The SMSU Journal of Undergraduate Research
The journal features exceptional research and writing by SMSU undergraduates.
Discovery: Georgia State University Honors College Undergraduate Research Journal
DISCOVERY is an undergraduate research journal featuring publications from students enrolled in the Honors College at Georgia State University. The mission of DISCOVERY, subtitled The Honors College Undergraduate Research Journal, is to promote, showcase, and disseminate original scholarship from all disciplines conducted by Honors College undergraduate students who have been involved in faculty-mentored research projects and creative activities. DISCOVERY promotes, encourages and rewards undergraduate research excellence and provides opportunities for the exchange of ideas beyond the classroom.
Discovery is the undergraduate student research journal at the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences.