The Midway Review

The Midway Review

The Midway Review is a journal of essays published in print and online three times a year at the University of Chicago. Founded in 2005 as a forum for political, cultural, and literary exchange across political and disciplinary boundaries, the Review seeks to publish readable, polished essays on all topics that would engage a general intellectual audience. We also publish book, film, music, and television reviews, as well as interviews. We do not publish academic papers unless they have been revised into essays—the first-person form of something you might read in Harper’s or The New Yorker. We accept work from students, alumni, and faculty at all colleges and universities. We consider submissions each year in October, January, and April.

The Mercury: The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College 

The Mercury: The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College 

The Mercury: The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College has been published annually since 1894. All students of the College are invited to participate and submit their work. Student editors are elected annually by the entire staff. The Mercury accepts submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork, and photography.

The Measure: A Journal of Undergraduate Research

The Measure: A Journal of Undergraduate Research

The Measure: A Journal of Undergraduate Research is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing undergraduate research from courses in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Sam Houston State University. Students enrolled in a CHSS course during the academic year are eligible to submit their work for publication consideration, whether or not they are majoring in one of the disciplines in the college. The Measure is guided by these central principles: undergraduate research is a vital component of higher education; students enhance their education when they engage in original research to make an intellectual contribution to the discipline; research shared with a broader audience enhances learning outcomes; and faculty members contribute to society when they involve undergraduates in research opportunities.

The Kennesaw Tower

The Kennesaw Tower

The Kennesaw Tower is an undergraduate research journal affiliated with and based in the Department of Foreign Languages at Kennesaw State University. Our mission is the diffusion and participation of quality, undergraduate research projects in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish into the regional, national and international arena through an on-line medium.

The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology

The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology

The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology is designed to understand all matters relating to the law. While the Journal emphasizes theoretical work and broad issues arising from law to technology, no topic of legal interest and no approach to scholarship is excluded. The peer-reviewed Journal welcomes outstanding original doctrinal and critical scholarship contributions to domestic and international law and comparative law as well as legal history and legal philosophy. In addition, we welcome interdisciplinary contributions in areas of relevance to the law and, in particular, work that uses the techniques of the social sciences and the humanities to contribute to understanding legal studies. In terms of its substance, this Journal combines domestic, international, and comparative law. Indeed we view the Journal as a context where these three subjects traditionally defined as distinct fields can enter into a productive dialogue about current changes in the world and be open to the work of all scholars wherever they may be. We partner with HeinOnline, a premier online research platform making our content available to global law school/research university libraries. The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology is a quarterly publication. Title: The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology cited as Int’l J. L. Ethics Tech. ISSN 2769-7150(Online) | 2769-7142(Print) DOI prefix: 10.55574 Publisher: La Nouvelle Jeunesse The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology’s scholarship is made possible by funding from La Nouvelle Jeunesse. Email:

The Interdependent: Journal of Undergraduate Research in Global Studies

The Interdependent: Journal of Undergraduate Research in Global Studies

The Interdependent is committed to exploring the global commons across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Its mission is to foster multidisciplinary research and discussion on global interdependence and cross-cultural encounters, and to encourage global empathy. It publishes third-year global travel reflections, as well as shortened fourth-year theses and creative works across all concentrations in NYU’s Global Liberal Studies program.

The Honors Review

The Honors Review

A nationally competitive interdisciplinary journal seeking illuminating, insightful, and contemporary research at the undergraduate level. Students need not be members of Honors Programs to submit papers. The primary goal is to give all undergraduates the opportunity to participate in scholarly conversations within their disciplines and to expose them to the dialogue that occurs between a journal and a contributor in editing an article for publication. The Honors Review will provide its authors with the unique chance to receive prompt and personal feedback during the editing process through the use of private online discussion forums

The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal

The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal

The Hampden-Sydney Journal of the Sciences

The Hampden-Sydney Journal of the Sciences

A showcase of STEM research done by the students of Hampden-Sydney College along with feature writing centering around a topic selected by the student editorial board and news updates from the H-SC STEM departments.

The Gettysburg Historical Journal

The Gettysburg Historical Journal

The Gettysburg Historical Journal features original undergraduate student research and essays. It is produced by students at Gettysburg College and published annually. While the Gettysburg Historical Journal focuses on research in the field of history, we publish and encourage submissions from other disciplines that utilize historical viewpoints or methodologies, including sociology, anthropology, and classics.