Abbigayle Cuomo ’21 Embraces Undergraduate Research
September 15, 2020
“You have to not be afraid to fail,” said undergraduate researcher Abbigayle Cuomo ’21. “I had to keep an open mind and be willing to try and work for it.”

Highlights of Undergraduate Summer Research
September 03, 2020
More than 70 St. Thomas undergraduate students spent their summer doing research on a diverse range of subjects through St. Thomas’ Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

#RedbirdScholar students use grants to spend summer researching
August 28, 2020
Research rarely rests. All year long, Illinois State University student and faculty researchers alike delve into their research with passion. Despite many Redbirds being away from campus over the summer, research at Illinois State continues to thrive—even during the pandemic.

Marked for Excellence MU awarded $2.3 million MARC grant based on history of underrepresented-student success
August 11, 2020
Flip through a brochure for practically any institution of higher learning and you’re sure to see a familiar photo: goggled student, pipette in one gloved hand, petri dish in the other, beaming amid Bunsen burners and beakers in a brightly lit laboratory.

CUR Health Sciences Division News–August 2020
August 10, 2020
The CUR Health Sciences Division is dedicated to advancing undergraduate research within the health sciences. According to the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions, “Allied Health professionals are involved with the delivery of health or related services pertaining to the identification, evaluation, and prevention of diseases and disorders; dietary and nutrition services; [and] rehabilitation and health systems management, among others.”

CUR Biology Division News–August 2020
August 10, 2020
The Biology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research provides networking opportunities, activities, and resources to assist biology administrators, faculty members, students, practitioners, mentors, and others in advancing undergraduate research.

CUR Math/CS Division Selects 2020 Faculty Mentor Awardees
August 07, 2020
Chellamuthu (Dixie State University), Neilan (Duquesne University), and Otto (UW-Eau Claire recognized for outstanding mentoring of undergraduate researchers in mathematics/computer sciences.

CUR Social Sciences Division Selects 2020 Recipient, Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award
August 07, 2020
Rhodes College's Marsha Walton is the 2020 recipient of the Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award

Undergraduate Research on Dolphins Gives Devin Jordan Summer of Firsts
August 05, 2020
It has been a summer of firsts for Georgia State University Perimeter College student Devin Jordan: his first time on a boat, his first time to see dolphins and sharks in the wild and his first onsite research experience.

Undergraduate Research Earns Funding for Astronaut Safety Equipment, Innovative Sports Injury Prevention, More
July 16, 2020
Research by Embry-Riddle senior Haleema Irfan will help create a sensor for detection of a serious problem encountered by astronauts on long-term spaceflights: hydrocephalus, or an accumulation of fluid in the brain.
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