SPUR (2017) 1 (2): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/1/2/8
Through active learning classrooms (ALCs), faculty can rethink and redesign their courses to include more inquirydriven activities and experiences for students. This case study describes one large public institution’s evidencebased and iterative design process for new and redesigned learning spaces. Critical elements include a cross-campus interdisciplinary team charged with planning for learning spaces of the future, the use of data to conceptualize spaces that better support teaching and learning, and the assessment of faculty-student experiences in these new learning spaces. Discussed are professional development programming and support structures for faculty that foster inquiry-driven approaches in the classroom such as faculty learning communities, workshops, and practice sessions; online and crowdsourced resources; sustained course scheduling; and institutional and departmental recognition. Also provided are recommendations for those considering campus learning-space initiatives.
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