SPUR (2023) 7 (1): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/1/5
Significant research has highlighted the benefits and outcomes of mentored research experiences for undergraduate students. Substantially less empirical research has examined the benefits and outcomes of these experiences for the other member of the mentoring dyad: the mentors themselves. To address this gap, a systematic review of 1,915 articles was conducted. After review, 16 articles were determined relevant. Articles were categorized based on design and theoretical framework. Further analysis revealed three categorizations: faculty mentor outcomes, barriers to mentorship of undergraduate research students, and supporting factors associated with mentorship of students. Results indicate that faculty mentors in undergraduate research contexts face more barriers to mentorship than supporting factors. Three lines of inquiry are proposed for future researchers.
Recommended Citation: Ferguson, Carinna. 2023. Systematic Review of Outcomes for Faculty Mentors in Undergraduate Research. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 7 (1): 25-34.
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