SPUR (2024) 7 (2): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/2/9
Collaborative teamwork is fundamental to successful research and is a desirable skill set for employers. Yet students receive little training in how to effectively work in teams. This article presents the preliminary design and implementation of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) in biology, geology, and environmental engineering in which student teams address questions related to their discipline while contributing to a shared research project. Team science training in communication, research planning, and conflict resolution was embedded into CURE classes at a regional R2 university. Although barriers to this approach were present, evidence in the form of writing prompt scores and team science products suggested student understanding of effective teams and the benefits of working with individuals within and across disciplines to solve complex problems increased.
Recommended Citation: Vance-Chalcraft,Heather, Randall Etheridge, Michael O’Driscoll, Ariane Peralta, Clark Andersen, Fiona Freeland, Joi P. Walker. 2023. Investigating the Development of Team Science Skills and an Improved Understanding of Multidisciplinary Research through Parallel Courses in Biology, Geology, and Environmental Engineering. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 7 (2): 53-64. https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/2/9
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