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Enhancing Undergraduate Research Success with the COEUR 2.0 Assessment Toolkit

This interactive webinar delves into the COEUR 2.0 Assessment Toolkit, a CUR member resource, designed to help institutions evaluate and elevate their undergraduate research environments. Learn directly from COEUR authors how to use these assessment forms to identify strengths, recognize growth areas, and foster institutional support for research excellence.

Author Insights: Getting Started with Undergraduate Research: A Workbook for First-Year Students

Venkat Raman, host of the College Matters Alma Matters podcast, has created a step-by-step workbook for first-year students. Getting Started with Undergraduate Research introduces students to the importance of undergraduate research. At this free webinar, hear from Venkat and others share their passion for getting first-year students engaged with undergraduate research and how this workbook might work at your institution.

Silvia Ronco Innovative Mentor Award 2025 Deadline

The Silvia Ronco Innovative Mentor Award was established to recognize original and insightful research work by a young investigator working with undergraduates that has had significant impact in chemistry and the STEM careers of students involved.

CUR Conversation: How to Leverage Social Media with CUR

Join the National Office staff to discuss how leveraging personal and CUR social media channels can help you in advocating for undergraduate research and celebrating successes. Learn tricks to make your social media journey more successful while also understanding items that the National Office has on hand to help!

Biology Division Small Research Grants 2025 Deadline

The Biology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is pleased to announce a limited number of research supply grants, up to $500 each, to members of the Biology Division. These grants are intended for projects involving undergraduate students in which this small grant will make a big impact. Grant funds will be given as a stipend and do not need to be used during this fiscal year.

MCS Division Inclusivity Award 2025 Deadline

The CUR MCS Division Inclusivity Award annually recognizes a member for excellence and sustainable work in broadening access to the mathematical, computational, or statistical sciences. This recognition focuses on the implementation of real-world research projects for undergraduate students, with contributions that have made a significant and positive impact on a national scale or demonstrated strong potential to do so. A desirable contribution aligns with the NSF’s “broader impacts” goal, engaging a wider audience effectively.

MCS Division Mentor Awards 2025 Deadline

The Mathematical, Computing, and Statistical Sciences Division of CUR is pleased to announce three awards to honor mentors for their success in mentoring undergraduate students in research. Faculty mentoring interdisciplinary projects are encouraged to apply as long as those projects involve a major mathematics, computer science, or statistics component.

Health Sciences Division Innovative Mentor Award 2025 Deadline

The CUR Health Sciences Division offers the Innovative Mentor Award to honor exceptional higher education mentors across all health sciences subdivisions.  This award is for mentors but not for classroom teaching. Mentors are leaders and role models for undergraduate research, scholarship, creative activities, or innovative projects. Health science disciplines focus on the core curriculum of health, wellness, disease, health care, or health management. In addition to traditionally considered health science disciplines, kinesiology, counseling, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology are also considered part of health sciences.

Arts and Humanities Division Student Scholarships 2025 Deadline

The Arts and Humanities division is offering four $300 scholarships to support undergraduate student research and creative inquiry projects at any stage of development up to and including presentation. The goal of this funding is to encourage diverse, innovative, and engaged UR in the disciplines defined by CUR as arts and humanities.