
Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

Arts & Humanities Coffee Hour – Online Gathering

Members of the CUR Arts and Humanities division are invited to attend the free A&H Coffee Hour online gathering for a time of connecting with fellow members, learn more about divisional offerings, and elected leadership positions available this CUR election cycle.

CUR Conversation: Strategies for Competitive Award Applications

Over the years, the CUR committees selecting award winners have noted best practices in nominee portfolios. This free webinar will share those best practices to ensure that all candidates have access to helpful information to prepare their best award applications possible. 

CUR Conversation: How to Leverage Social Media with CUR

Join the National Office staff to discuss how leveraging personal and CUR social media channels can help you in advocating for undergraduate research and celebrating successes. Learn tricks to make your social media journey more successful while also understanding items that the National Office has on hand to help!

ConnectUR 2025 in Grand Rapids, MI

The ConnectUR conference will provide a forum where attendees can draw on knowledge exchange, scholarship of teaching and learning, group discussion, and community building to expand their approaches to undergraduate research. Registration will open in March 2025.

ConnectUR 2025 Online

The ConnectUR conference will provide a forum where attendees can draw on knowledge exchange, scholarship of teaching and learning, group discussion, and community building to expand their approaches to undergraduate research. Registration will open in March 2025.