Beyond Buzzwords: Upholding UR Practices Through Action, Not Words Workshop
An empowering 2-hour workshop on learning how to center your access initiatives on the work, and not the words.
An empowering 2-hour workshop on learning how to center your access initiatives on the work, and not the words.
Join this Connect UR Pre-Conference Workshop facilitated by CUR Members from a diverse group of institutions to discuss effective partnerships, learn about the partnerships they have developed and how these have evolved, share your successes and challenges, and leave with a plan to move forward.
Learn to reframe how to present their undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry (URSCI) experiences in terms of transferable career readiness skills identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) as in demand by employers.
Registration closed on May 22, 2024.
This institute will bring together faculty and administrators interested in preparing proposals for submission to external funding agencies. The multi-day institute will consist of one-on-one work with a mentor, writing, small-group discussions, and critiquing of proposals. The institute has been developed to assist novice to experienced proposal writers in drafting complete proposals for submission.
The CUR Engineering Division invites the undergraduate research community to attend and draw on the expertise from four of the CUR Engineering Division Leadership and Mentorship award winners: Beena Ajmera (2022), Heather Dillon (2024), Ala Qattawi (2024), and Rana Zakerzadeh (2023). Each awardee will present for a few minutes on their approach to undergraduate research, followed by a Q&A panel discussion.
Open to the entire undergraduate research community, with a focus on physics and astronomy mentors; this free webinar will provide an introduction to conducting research with undergraduates, share best practices using case studies, suggest useful resources, and discuss potential grant programs.
Members of the CUR Arts and Humanities division are invited to attend the free A&H Coffee Hour online gathering for a time of connecting with fellow members, learn more about divisional offerings, and elected leadership positions available this CUR election cycle.
At this free webinar, the COEUR 2.0 authors will discuss the reasons for updating COEUR, touching on the need to address new challenges in higher education, such as digital transformation, the growing emphasis on inclusivity, workforce development, and the increased demand for high-impact practices.
Over the years, the CUR committees selecting award winners have noted best practices in nominee portfolios. This free webinar will share those best practices to ensure that all candidates have access to helpful information to prepare their best award applications possible.Â
Come hear from Robbyn Anand, Coltie CEO, as she shares best practices in forming peer networks.  Coltie, is a social network that intelligently suggests matches between prospective students and graduate advisors to make searching and recruiting simple. As the leader in the field of academic matchmaking, they have expertise of great benefit for mentors of undergraduates looking to continue their research passion in graduate school.