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What’s On Track and What’s Breaking Down? Doing an Implementation Assessment to Get Your Program Chugging Towards Its Goals

Often, we have big goals for our programs but they may feel abstract or out of reach. Perhaps we have a sense that our programs are working great for some folks but we aren’t reaching others and we don’t know why. This online intensive will provide an implementation assessment model that is practical, user-friendly, and will help you be more intentional about where to put your time and resources.

An International Discussion on Undergraduate Research – Online Gathering

This online gathering hosted by CUR's At-Large division will bring together colleagues from the USA, Canada, and beyond the pond for an international discussion of undergraduate research. Following presentations from an international panel, discussions in breakout rooms will focus on individual aspects of undergraduate research, and then open forum conversation for knowledge exchange and to answer questions.

Proposal Writing Institute 2024

Registration closed on May 22, 2024.
This institute will bring together faculty and administrators interested in preparing proposals for submission to external funding agencies. The multi-day institute will consist of one-on-one work with a mentor, writing, small-group discussions, and critiquing of proposals. The institute has been developed to assist novice to experienced proposal writers in drafting complete proposals for submission.

Perspectives on Excellence in Undergraduate Research from Four Engineering Division Leadership and Mentorship Award Winners

The CUR Engineering Division invites the undergraduate research community to attend and draw on the expertise from four of the CUR Engineering Division Leadership and Mentorship award winners: Beena Ajmera (2022), Heather Dillon (2024),  Ala Qattawi (2024), and Rana Zakerzadeh (2023). Each awardee will present for a few minutes on their approach to undergraduate research, followed by a Q&A panel discussion.