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Physics and Astronomy Nadine Barlow Undergraduate Research Support Award 2025 Deadline

The Physics and Astronomy Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research requests applications for the Nadine Barlow Undergraduate Research Support Award. In memory of CURPA Councilor Nadine Barlow, a limited number of Undergraduate Research Support Awards (URSA), with a maximum amount of $500 each, will be offered to help undergraduates (1) conduct faculty-mentored research, (2) present their research at national conferences, or (3) publish their research in peer-reviewed journals.

Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Award 2025 Deadline

The CUR Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Award recognizes exemplary faculty mentors of undergraduate researchers in the arts and humanities fields. Mentors are leaders and role models for those involved in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities. The award was established by a gift from Joyce Kinkead, distinguished professor of English, Utah State University. Awardees receive $1000, a plaque to display the achievement, and recognition at an awards celebration with the CUR community.

Trimmer Travel Fund Award 2025 Deadline

The CUR Trimmer Travel Fund Award supports arts and humanities undergraduate scholars in presenting their research at professional meetings. The fund was established by a gift from Joe and Carol Trimmer, professor emeritus of English at Ball State University. The awardee will receive $1000.

Chemistry Outstanding Mentorship Awards 2025 Deadline

CUR’s Chemistry Division seeks to honor exceptional mentoring and advising by higher education faculty across all subdisciplines of chemistry with Outstanding Mentorship Awards. These awards recognize transformative mentoring and advising of undergraduate students in mentor-led chemistry research projects. Each award will consist of a plaque, a small cash award, and a letter of commendation from CUR that shall be sent to the recipient’s institution. In each award cycle, one award will be given.

Biology Mentor Awards 2025 Deadline

The CUR Biology Division Mentor Awards honor biology mentors for their long-term efforts in supervising undergraduate research students. Individuals may be self-nominated or be nominated by CUR institutional or Institutional-Enhanced members, individual CUR members of the Biology Division, or the mentor’s research students. Faculty mentoring interdisciplinary projects are eligible as long as such projects involve a major biological component. Awards will be made in three categories: Early Career, Mid-Career, and Advanced Career.

CUR Award Celebration Ceremony 2024-2025

Join the undergraduate research community in celebrating this year's past awardees Enjoy a virtual celebration with dancing, trivia, and fun!