Undergraduate Research Stories

Research in the Rotunda gives UWO students a spotlight in the State Capitol

Seven University of Wisconsin Oshkosh students were among more than 125 representatives from across the UW System presenting their research at the 17th annual Research in the Rotunda event on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 inside the State Capitol in Madison.

Quinnipiac University hosts its 33rd New England Regional Conference of NEURON

The Northeast Undergraduate and Graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) is an organization that supports the undergraduate and graduate education and research in the northeast regions of the United States.

Pair of undergraduate filmmakers land in Cannes

For Roxanne Wan, the divinity is in the details. Whether it’s tiny flour-coated fingers rolling out dumpling wrappers, static electricity mussing a boy’s hair as he prepares for bed or a mother delicately latching the bedroom door after whispering goodnight, Wan’s camera lingers and lounges in these moments.

Georgia College undergraduates shine at 2nd Annual ‘Posters at the Capitol’

Six students—with majors in chemistry, music therapy, physics and psychology—represented themselves and Georgia College in February at the 2nd annual “Posters at the Georgia State Capitol.” The undergraduates were among 54 students from 15 colleges and universities statewide, who participated at the Georgia State Capitol building in Atlanta. University President Dr. Steve Dorman was there for support, along with other administrators and professors. Multiple members of the state House and Senate​

Computational Audio Analysis for Cultural Heritage Preservation

Christos Plachouras, an undergraduate student and researcher at New York University Abu Dhabi, presented the work “Mapping the Sounds of the Swahili coast and the Arab Mashriq: Music research at the intersection of computational analysis and cultural heritage preservation” at the 2019 Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM) Satellite Event of the Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). Christos shared the importance of the research that the MaSC research ​

APU Student and Azusa Resident Awarded Hatfield Prize for Homeless Research

Daniel Montoya is a senior pursuing a B.A. in Social Work at Azusa Pacific University (Azusa, California). Daniel was selected as one of the three recipients of the 2020 Hatfield Prize from the Center for Public Justice based in Washington D.C. The Hatfield Prize is awarded annually to three student-faculty pairs from among Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) institutions to conduct research on social policies that impact the wellbeing of children, families, and communities. Dan​

Undergraduate Summer Scholarship Sparks Year-Long Research Project

Alyssa Bley may not be your typical scientist. But what is a typical scientist? “I feel a little insecure at times about science,” Bley said.

Research Opens Doors for MSU Undergraduates

Katrina Lyon thought she might end up just cleaning test tubes when she signed up as an undergraduate to work in a scientific research lab at Montana State University. Instead, she’s been working on real research to find out if black raspberries can help fight stomach cancer.

Students Use a Mobile App for Undergraduate Research

Most college students have apps on their phones. You might see Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok on a typical student’s phone. Three biology sophomores at Delaware Valley University are using something a little different. They’re sharing plant science data with a global network of scientists using an app.​

A New Vision for the Humanities

Since 2009, Dr. Joanne Murphy, associate professor of classical studies and principal investigator for the Mellon-funded Transforming the Humanities initiative, has guided UNCG students like Michael Bell through six-week professional internships at an archaeological field school on the Greek island of Kea.