Undergraduate Research Stories

Undergraduate Students on the Hunt for Cancer Killing Molecules

Years ago, a postdoc in the Ruohola-Baker Lab wrote a paper describing a biological mechanism in fruit flies that protects stem cells from apoptosis – in other words, that prevents cell death. The author suggested a systematic drug screen for molecules that might subvert this protective mechanism and induce cell death. Such a drug would be a powerful tool in the fight against cancer.

Course revamp is a hit with kinesiology students when they create their own fitness tests

Instructor implements research-based approach to learning with support from Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Choreography, Composition, and Collaboration with East Lansing High School

Department of Theatre Assistant Professor of Musical Theatre Brad Willcuts and East Lansing High School Visual Arts Instructor Jacqueline Carroll have brought their students together in a unique collaboration to bring words and movement to life.

Mercer boasts three engineering Goldwater Scholars for third consecutive year

Mercer University’s School of Engineering earlier today continued a run of unprecedented success with the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. For the third consecutive year, three students were announced as recipients of the nation’s most prestigious scholarship for undergraduates in science, mathematics and engineering. Mercer leads all U.S. institutions with a total of nine engineering majors selected as Goldwater Scholars since 2019.

Bee Curious

The short story is that UCO’s Provost John Barthell, Ph.D., has had the honor of having a species of bee named in his honor, the orchid bee Eufriesea barthelli. And while the obvious connection is Barthell’s extensive work in bee research worldwide, the story of how a new bee species like E. barthelli comes to be is more like a scientific mystery novel.

Iona College’s ‘Project Symphony’ Forges a Collaborative Path for Undergraduate Research

Sunghee Lee, Ph.D., Iona College Board of Trustees endowed chemistry professor, established the scientific research group Project Symphony to enhance the fundamental understanding of cell membranes and help engineer new bio-inspired devices. For nearly two decades, various Iona STEM majors have worked side-by-side with Lee to perform groundbreaking research, setting students well on their way to both successful careers and more advanced degrees.

Sharing Research: Senior Presenting at Multiple Conferences

Cassandra Hartsgrove credits working in Penley’s research lab with solidifying her goals to earn a PhD in developmental or cognitive psychology and become a college professor. “Before I joined this research lab, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I was nervous about graduating,” she said. “Now I’m so excited to graduate because I know what I’m going to do.”.

Taking a Chance: Mason Ward’s research portfolio has earned him two awards from the Entomological Society of America

As a freshman, Mason Ward took a chance and applied to the Freshman Research in Plants Program with the thought that he would give research a try. Now, three years later, Ward’s extraordinary research portfolio has earned him two undergraduate research awards from the Entomological Society of America.

General Education with a Twist: Material Culture Research to Festival of Student-Created Films

Hundreds of general education students embarked on integrative undergraduate research that resulted in student-produced short documentary films that were highlighted in an innovative student film festival during December 2020.

Music Therapy Students Present at the 3rd Annual Posters at the Georgia Capitol Event

Six Georgia College students were selected to present their scholarly work at the Third Annual Posters at the Georgia Capitol event. This is the second year in a row that music therapy students have represented Georgia College during this prestigious statewide event.