
2021 Posters on the Hill Spotlights Exemplary Undergraduate Research Projects for Policymakers, Scholars, and the Public

On April 27–28, undergraduate students from colleges and universities in 42 states and the District of Columbia will participate in the 2021 Posters on the Hill event, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research. In a virtual public poster session on April 28 from 2–4 pm ET, undergraduate researchers and their mentors from institutions such as Edmonds College and Grinnell College to Norwich University and Penn State University will share their research projects.

CUR Arts and Humanities Division Announces 2021 Student Scholarship Recipients

The Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research announces the 2021 recipients of its student scholarships. The scholarships—a maximum of $300 each—support undergraduate student research and creative inquiry projects at any stage of development.

CUR Health Sciences Division Announces 2021 NCUR Presentation Awardees

CUR's Health Sciences Division announces the 2021 recipients of its NCUR Presentation Awards. The awards cover the cost of registration for undergraduates presenting original research at the 2021 National Conference on Undergraduate Research.

CUR Psychology Division Announces 2021 Psychology Research Awardees

The Psychology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research announces the 2021 recipients of its Psychology Research Awards. The recipients are undergraduate students conducting original psychological research, who receive awards of up to $500 per project to assist in covering supplies, expenses, or presentation-related costs.

CUR Physics and Astronomy Division Announces 2021 Barlow Awardees

The Physics and Astronomy Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research announces the 2021 recipients of the Nadine Barlow Undergraduate Research Support Awards. The awards, named in memory of the late division Councilor Nadine Barlow, seek to assist undergraduate researchers in conducting faculty-mentored research, presenting their research at national conferences, or publishing their research in peer-reviewed journals.

CUR Social Sciences Division Announces 2021 Undergraduate Conference Presentation Awardee

The Social Sciences Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research announces the 2021 recipient of its Undergraduate Conference Presentation Award. The recipient is an undergraduate student presenting original research results at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting, who receives an award of up to $200.

CUR Announces 2021 Divisional Award Recipients

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) announces the 2021 recipients of awards from CUR divisions.​

First Virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Research Features COVID-19 Presentations

On April 12–14, 2021, students from colleges and universities around the world will participate in the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR2021@Home), sponsored by CUR. This year, faculty mentors and more than 3400 undergraduate researchers will come together online to share their research on topics ranging from forecasts of Martian weather conditions to an array of COVID-19 projects such as the pandemic’s effect on playing style in the NBA.

CUR’s First Virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Research Will Highlight Student Projects from across the Globe

On April 12-14, 2021, students from colleges and universities from around the world will participate in the 2021 virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), coming together online to share their research in all academic disciplines.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to Host 2023 National Conference on Undergraduate Research

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire will host the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in spring 2023.