Social Sciences Division

CUR Social Sciences Division Announces 2021 Undergraduate Conference Presentation Awardee

The Social Sciences Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research announces the 2021 recipient of its Undergraduate Conference Presentation Award. The recipient is an undergraduate student presenting original research results at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting, who receives an award of up to $200.

CUR Announces 2021 Divisional Award Recipients

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) announces the 2021 recipients of awards from CUR divisions.​

Winter 2021 CUR Social Sciences Division Newsletter

Stay up to date with this divisional newsletter!

CUR Social Sciences Division Selects 2020 Recipient, Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award

Rhodes College's Marsha Walton is the 2020 recipient of the Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award

Radford University’s Jeanne Mekolichick Elected as 2021–2022 CUR President

Jeanne Mekolichick, associate provost of academic programs at Radford University in Radford, VA, has been elected as president of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). Mekolichick will become president-elect in summer, 2020, taking a seat on CUR’s Executive Board and succeeding 2020–2021 CUR president Silvia Ronco (Research Corporation for Science Advancement) in summer 2021.

CUR E-News–16Jan2020

eNews January 16, 2020

Nominations Sought, Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award

The CUR Social Sciences Division seeks nominations for its Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research in the Social Sciences Award; deadline February 20, 2020.