Member News

Furman’s Shields Selected as 2022 CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Awardee

Dr. George Shields, professor of Chemistry at Furman University, has been selected as the 2022 Council on Undergraduate Research – Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Awardee. The award consists of a plaque and $5,000 for the awardee’s research program.

Ball State’s Emeritus Professor Trimmer Selected as 2022 CURAH Awardee

Joe Trimmer, emeritus professor of English at Ball State University, has been selected as the 2022 Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) – Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Awardee.

2022 Fellows Awardees

John Barthell (University of Central Oklahoma) and Sunghee Lee (Iona College) are the latest Fellows of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) to be honored for their leadership and service as role models for those involved in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities. Every two years, CUR Fellows Awards recognize two CUR members who have facilitated undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities at their institution through mentorship and demonstrated leade​

2021 AURA Awardees: Elon University; Mercer University; University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

CUR congratulates its 2021 Campus-Wide Award for Undergraduate Research Accomplishments (AURA) awardees Elon University (Elon, NC), Mercer University (Georgia), and University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (La Crosse, WI).

CUR’s New Chemistry Mentor Award to Honor RCSA’s Silvia Ronco

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) and Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) announce a new initiative to support research within the Chemical Sciences in honor of CUR's past president and current RCSA Senior Program Director, Silvia Ronco.

Fall 2021 CUR Education Division Newsletter

Stay up to date with this divisional newsletter!

Fall 2021 CUR Psychology Division Newsletter

The Psychology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research provides networking opportunities, activities, and resources to assist psychology administrators, faculty members, students, practitioners, and others in advancing undergraduate research.

Council on Undergraduate Research Issues Updated Definition of Undergraduate Research

The Undergraduate Research Definition Task Force of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) announced an updated definition for undergraduate research, reflecting the broadened scope for undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry as well as attention to equity, diversity, and inclusion.​

CUR Executive Board Announces New Editor-in-Chief for Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research

The CUR Executive Board announced the appointment of Patricia “Pam” Ann Mabrouk, professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Northeastern University in Boston, as the next editor-in-chief of Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), the academic journal of the organization.

CUR Physics and Astronomy Division Announces 2021 Outstanding Research Mentor Awardee

CUR's Physics and Astronomy Division announces the 2021 recipient of its Outstanding Research Mentor award, which recognizes mentors in physics and astronomy for their steadfast efforts in mentoring undergraduate researchers and involves nominations by colleagues and students.