Member News

CUR Names Rhodes College’s Stoddard as Silvia Ronco Innovative Mentor Awardee

Dr. Shana Stoddard, associate professor of chemistry at Rhodes College in Tennessee, has been selected as the 2023 recipient for the Council on Undergraduate Research’s (CUR) Silvia Ronco Innovative Mentor Award.

Grinnell College’s Professor Garrison Selected as 2023 CURAH Awardee

Dr. John Garrison, professor of English at Grinnell College in Iowa, has been selected as the 2023 Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) – Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Awardee.

Spring 2023 CUR Psychology Division Newsletter

The Psychology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research provides networking opportunities, activities, and resources to assist psychology administrators, faculty members, students, practitioners, and others in advancing undergraduate research.

Norwich University Announced as 2022 CUR AURA Recipient

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) congratulates its 2022 Campus-Wide Award for Undergraduate Research Accomplishments (AURA) recipient Norwich University (NU) (Northfield, VT). This award recognizes institutions with exemplary programs that provide high-quality research experiences for undergraduates.

In Memoriam: Brian Andreen, a CUR Founding Chemist

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) joins the community in mourning the loss of Brian Andreen (1943-2023) – friend, mentor, husband, father, a founding chemist of CUR, previous executive secretary, At-Large Division Councilor (1985-90), and much more.

Fall 2022 CUR Psychology Division Newsletter

The Psychology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research provides networking opportunities, activities, and resources to assist psychology administrators, faculty members, students, practitioners, and others in advancing undergraduate research.

CUR’s MCS Division Announces New Name

On September 13, 2022, the Council on Undergraduate Research’s (CUR) Executive Board moved to approve the submitted name rephrasing to the formerly known Mathematics and Computer Sciences Division effective immediately. The approval comes with a Divisional name change: the Mathematical, Computing, and Statistical Sciences Division (MCS).

CUR Releases 2022 STR Program Participants

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) congratulates the following 75 teams accepted to be a part of the 2022-23 Scholars Transforming Through Research (STR) Program. These teams represent 62 institutions from 28 states and are made up of 75 Campus Representatives and 124 undergraduate researchers.

NCUR 2024 to Take Place in Long Beach, California

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) has selected the city of Long Beach, California to hold the 2024 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). In partnership with the California State University – Long Beach (CSULB), CUR and CSULB will play a vital role together in accomplishing the creation of a successful in-person undergraduate research presentation and learning opportunity.

Celebrating CUR Division 2022 Awardees

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) recognizes its divisional award recipients for the first half of 2022. CUR’s community aligns across its thirteen divisions including, At-Large, Arts and Humanities, Biology, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Geosciences, Health Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences, and Undergraduate Research Programs.​