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Winter 2021 CUR Social Sciences Division Newsletter

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2020 AURA Awardees: Georgia College & State University; Utah State University

CUR announces the recipients of its 2020 Campus-Wide Award for Undergraduate Research Accomplishments (AURA): Georgia College & State University (Milledgeville, GA) and Utah State University (Logan, UT)​

Honorees Announced, SPUR Best Article Awards (Vol. 3)

The SPUR Best Article subcommittee of the Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research Editorial Board has selected honorees in the inaugural SPUR Best Article Awards: Bruce Evan Blaine (St. John Fisher College, Best Article Awardee); Franziska Nikolov, Constanze Saunders, and Heike Schaumburg (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin / Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Honorable Mention): and Mitchell R. Malachowski (Univ of San Diego, Honorable Mention)

CUR Biology Division Announces Recipients of Small Research Grants

CUR's Biology Division announced four recipients in its most recent small research grants cycle.

CUR’s First Virtual UR Exchange Features Undergraduate Work across Borders; Ongoing Opportunities Available

CUR's first UR Exchange on Twitter on November 12, 2020, featured many inspirational stories of faculty-student research conducted during the challenges of the COVID-19 environment.

USF’s Collins Selected as 2020 CUR Geosciences Undergraduate Research Mentor Awardee

Jennifer Collins, professor in the School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida, has been selected as the 2020 CUR Geosciences Undergraduate Research Mentor Awardee.

CUR’s First Virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Research Will Highlight Student Projects from across the Globe

On April 12-14, 2021, students from colleges and universities from around the world will participate in the 2021 virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), coming together online to share their research in all academic disciplines.

CUR Math/CS Division Selects 2020 Faculty Mentor Awardees

Chellamuthu (Dixie State University), Neilan (Duquesne University), and Otto (UW-Eau Claire recognized for outstanding mentoring of undergraduate researchers in mathematics/computer sciences.

CUR Social Sciences Division Selects 2020 Recipient, Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award

Rhodes College's Marsha Walton is the 2020 recipient of the Excellence in Mentoring UR in the Social Sciences Award

Trinity University’s Rubén R. Dupertuis Selected as a 2020 CUR–Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Awardee

Rubén R. Dupertuis, associate professor and department chair of religion at Trinity University in Texas, has been selected as a 2020 CUR–Arts and Humanities Faculty Mentor Awardee.