Creating a UR Program

Insight Overview

Creating an undergraduate research program on an institutional campus is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful planning and execution. Whether your institution is in the process of initiating a program from scratch, undergoing a restructuring phase, or even considering how to start one, CUR has compiled resources to help create a thriving undergraduate research ecosystem that benefits both students and the broader academic community.

Upcoming Events
Jun 24
Leveraging Career-Readiness Language in your Research & Creative Inquiry Experiences Workshop
June 24, 2024
Learn to reframe how to present their undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry (URSCI) experiences in terms of transferable career readiness skills identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) as in demand by employers.
Jun 24
Partnering to Build and Sustain Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Inquiry at Your Institution Workshop
June 24, 2024
Join this Connect UR Pre-Conference Workshop facilitated by CUR Members from a diverse group of institutions to discuss effective partnerships, learn about the partnerships they have developed and how these have evolved, share your successes and challenges, and leave with a plan to move forward.
Jul 11
Proposal Writing Institute 2024
July 11-15, 2024
This institute will bring together faculty and administrators interested in preparing proposals for submission to external funding agencies. The multi-day institute will consist of one-on-one work with a mentor, writing, small-group discussions, and critiquing of proposals. The institute has been developed to assist novice to experienced proposal writers in drafting complete proposals for submission.
Jan 18
Undergraduate Research Experience as Effective Training for Career Readiness: A Conversation Among Practitioners
January 18, 2024
Hosted by the CUR At-Large Division, this free virtual gathering is meant to bring together undergraduate research mentors, administrators, and other interested stakeholders to discuss how undergraduate research experience can be an effective tool for honing essential skills and competencies for life beyond graduation.
Oct 04
What’s On Track and What’s Breaking Down? Doing an Implementation Assessment to Get Your Program Chugging Towards Its Goals
October 04, 2023
Often, we have big goals for our programs but they may feel abstract or out of reach. Perhaps we have a sense that our programs are working great for some folks but we aren’t reaching others and we don’t know why. This online intensive will provide an implementation assessment model that is practical, user-friendly, and will help you be more intentional about where to put your time and resources.