Who are we?
Physics and Astronomy Division Chair: Carol Hood, California State University – San Bernardino
In 1985, a disciplinary council in physics and astronomy became a formal part of CUR. Physicists Jim Cederberg, David Peak, and John Van Zytveld were responsible for bringing physics to CUR. It was a critical crossroads in the development of CUR as we know it today. The CUR Physics and Astronomy Division has been, and remains, very active in supporting research with undergraduates.
The goals of the Physics and Astronomy Division, outlined below, are accomplished by offering a wide variety of programs, awards, and services to our members that are a part of a CUR-wide effort to promote UR. The division advances the mission of CUR by focusing on UR issues in areas of physics and astronomy. The goals of the division are to support UR in physics and astronomy by:
- Gathering and sharing information about UR funding
- Gathering and sharing information about curricular opportunities
- Identifying and delivering support services to faculty at both early and advanced career stages as well as departments
- Encouraging and financially supporting undergraduates conducting research and disseminating their work
Name | Institution |
Mahabaduge, Hasitha | Georgia College & State University |
Name | Institution |
Hood, Carol (Division Chair) | California State University – San Bernardino |
Agrimson, Erick | St. Catherine University |
Bautista, Maria | Kapi’olani Community College |
Biermann, Mark L. | Blackburn College |
Buzasi, Derek | Florida Gulf Coast University |
Cunningham, Beth A. | American Association of Physics Teachers |
Deibel, Jason A. | University of Dayton |
Dezen, Theodore | University of San Diego |
Docktor, Jennifer | University of Wisconsin-La Crosse |
Fasano, Christopher G. | Monmouth College |
Feitosa, Klebert | James Madison University |
Hughes, Chris | James Madison University |
Jackson, Michael | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
Liss, Sandra | Radford University |
Solomonson, Chitra G. | Green River College |
Thompson, Richard J. | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
Division Activities
The Physics and Astronomy Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research supports research in our discipline. To support these activities, we provide networking opportunities, activities, and resources for faculty, students, and others. Some of our active resources are provided below:
- Awards: The division offers funding and recognition to both undergraduate researchers and faculty mentors.
- The Nadine Barlow Undergraduate Research Support Award – January 15, 2025 deadline
- Faculty Mentor Award (currently closed)
- Webinar: Strategies for Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers in Physics & Astronomy
- Recorded on October 24, 2024
- Open to the entire undergraduate research community, with a focus on physics and astronomy mentors; this free webinar will provides an introduction to conducting research with undergraduates, shares best practices using case studies, suggests useful resources, and discusses potential grant programs. This webinar was hosted by the CUR Physics & Astronomy Division.
- Breakout Room Case Study #1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k-iWCige3CS0CQTLg4nJIVHYdX45JaHsOgP8WRjycOo/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.w381nulsf0rv
- Breakout Room Case Study #2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WMcksdEAcFroxMtmbXNaJzHNn1UFmmiYHd_zvp1TRRg/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.w381nulsf0rv
- Communications: The following avenues can be used to communicate with CUR Physics and Astronomy Division councilors, members of the division, and/or other people interested in UR in physics and astronomy.
- CUR Community (CUR members only) and the Physics and Astronomy LinkedIn group
- Physics/Astronomy Research Vignettes: A collection of vignettes from CUR Physics and Astronomy members who have implemented UR across the curriculum.
- American Institute of Physics Affiliated Society: CUR’s Physics and Astronomy Division is an AIP Affiliated Society. Division members qualify for reduced subscription prices on AIP’s magazines and journals.
- Experienced faculty helping others along