Spring 2024


Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research Journal

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  • Editorial

    The Role of Editorial Staff in Publishing at Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research

    ‐ Patricia Ann Mabrouk
    SPUR (2024) 7 (3): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/3/1

    Knowledge of the organizational structure of a journal is invaluable to prospective authors before, during, and even following publication. Hopefully, this knowledge empowers prospective Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research authors to contact the appropriate editorial staff with questions or concerns at any point in the publication process.

  • Introduction

    Introduction – Spring 2024

    ‐ Maria T. Iacullo-Bird, Lorraine S. Wallace
    SPUR (2024) 7 (3): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/3/4

    The themed Spring 2024 issue of Scholarship & Practice of Undergrad Research (SPUR): Global Perspectives and Practices of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Inquiry features content addressing the expansion of student research in an international context. The collection of essays includes three open-access articles that substantively address the history, planning, and outcomes of the World Congresses on Undergraduate Research (WorldCUR) held successively in Qatar, Germany, and the United Kingdom; an article on the development of a European-wide student research network; an article on student research-based learning in Germany; and, an editorial, commentary, and book review addressing journal publication, research methods and library collaborations in undergraduate research.

  • Commentary

    Getting Started with Mixed Methods Research: A Primer

    ‐ Jeffrey T. Olimpo, Elizabeth L. Day
    SPUR (2024) 7 (3): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/3/3

    Determining the appropriate approach to addressing one’s research question(s) can be challenging for scholars at all levels. Notably, one may find themselves in a situation in which a single research paradigm or strategy is insufficient to robustly study the phenomenon in question. What, then, is the best course of action to take to execute the study with high fidelity? In this commentary, the authors introduce mixed methods research (MMR) as a potential solution to this concern and describe how MMR can be applied across diverse disciplinary contexts. They conclude the commentary by outlining several considerations for conducting studies that adopt a mixed methods design to aid readers in structuring their own MMR projects.

  • Article

    Toward an Undergraduate Research Network in Europe and Beyond

    ‐ Harald A. Mieg, Femi Odebiyi, Susanne Haberstroh
    SPUR (2024) 7 (3): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/3/2

    This article describes the initiative to establish a European network for undergraduate research (UR). This began with national initiatives in Germany and the United Kingdom, dating back 10 to 20 years. A strong impetus was given by the European project on digital UR (2021–2023), which also was a response to COVID-19 and extended the possibilities of digital UR for cross-cultural collaboration. The next step should be to seize the post-pandemic opportunity to advance UR in Europe through new hybrid pathways, with stronger links to national and European policies.

  • Article

    Research-Based Learning in Germany: Approaches to Turn a Teaching and Learning Concept into a Living Format in Higher Education

    ‐ Susanne Wimmelmann, Kerrin Riewerts, Constanze Saunders, Susanne Haberstroh
    SPUR (2024) 7 (3): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/3/9

    Research-based learning (RBL) has been discussed in German higher education teaching and learning since the end of 1960s, having found a revival in the 2000s with considerable federal funding which enabled a creation of a variety of RBL-formats at many universities across disciplines. Within this dynamic development, both the Standing Group on RBL (Arbeitsgruppe Forschendes Lernen; AG FL) and the annual student research conferences (Konferenz für Studentische Forschung; StuFos) play crucial roles. The AG FL supports actors of the teaching community in connecting various within the area with regard to exchanging knowledge and experiences, creating materials on RBL-teaching, fostering critical discussions on the members’ research, publishing, and providing a professional network. The StuFos allow students to visualize their research, exchanging ideas with others and thus familiarizing themselves with scientific practice within the academic community. These two entities provide that the given impetus turned into and remains a common endeavor within a community of practice with the students’ work becoming visible and applicable as well as sustainably published.

  • Book Review

    Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices, Volume 2

    ‐ Danica E. White
    SPUR (2024) 7 (3): https://doi.org/10.18833/spur/7/3/6

    Undergraduate Research & The Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices, Volume 2, coedited by Merinda Kaye Hensley, Hailley Fargo, and Stephanie Davis-Kahl, offers essential insights into the pivotal role of academic librarians in nurturing undergraduate research. With a wealth of case studies and best practices, this volume serves as a vital resource for librarians seeking to deepen their engagement with undergraduate researchers. Covering diverse topics such as co-teaching, fostering research in humanities and social sciences, student-faculty-librarian collaboration, and information literacy, the book provides comprehensive guidance for enhancing support for undergraduate research initiatives.

This themed Spring 2024 issue of SPUR focuses on the Global Perspectives and Practices of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Inquiry.


SPUR advances knowledge and understanding of novel and effective approaches to mentored undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry by publishing high-quality, rigorously peer reviewed studies written by scholars and practitioners of undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry. The SPUR Journal is a leading CUR member benefit. Gain access to all electronic articles by joining CUR.